The Vacated Tenant Manager allows housing authorities to screen applicants against a nationwide database consisting of Public Housing and Section 8 tenants.
The Vacated Tenant Manager list tenants that have been evicted, caused damages, or moved out owing money.
The Vacated Tenant Manager also allows housing authorities to add and update tenant information in order to maintain a current database.
The information that is collected in the Vacated Tenant Manager consists of tenant identification details, move out data, and payment collection history.
Additional comments regarding the tenant’s participation in or termination from the program can be recorded. The name of the submitting housing authority as well as contact information is also available.
This information can then be viewed by one of the following methods: Search Database Wide, Search Your PHA Tenants Only, or View All Your PHA Tenants.
The Waiting List Manager is integrated to search the Vacated Tenant Manager component of PHA-Web for previous program participation for each member of the applicant’s household.
If the applicant is found in the Vacated Tenant Manager database, a message will be displayed and the details will be available.