The TRACS Manager assists housing authorities in completing the HUD Form 50059. The TRACS Certification Manager calculates tenant rent for all programs requiring the HUD-50059 form.
The TRACS Manager utilizes the exclusive MCS Red Flag Validation feature. This attribute provides real-time data validation as the HUD-50059 form information for a program participant is entered. Invalid data is marked by a red flag as it is detected. A message explaining how to correct the data will be displayed as well.
The TRACS Manager produces a completed HUD-50059 report for the program participant using the most current Form HUD-50059 template.
The TRACS Manager creates the required MAT Tenant System (MAT 10, 15 40, 65, and 70) file as well as the MAT Voucher Payment (MAT 30 billing) file. The HUD-52670 and HUD-52670A can also be generated with the monthly submission. The submission manager provides a tool to control TRACS submissions by allowing the housing authority to select and/or deselect 50059 files for electronic transfer. The files that are created can be submitted to HUD or a contract administrator.