The Work Order Manager assists housing authorities with producing work orders, tracking fixed assets, materials inventory, and maintenance employees time.
The main function of the Work Order Manager is adding and completing work order forms.
The Work Order Manager allows for work orders to be entered by family and for a unit/building/project.
Completing a work order provides the ability to enter assets, inventory, and employee information.
The Work Order Manager also provides for recurring workers that recur on a weekly or monthly basis.
The Work Order Manager also allows for the tracking of fixed assets.
Assets can be assigned a number and be located in a project, unit, or warehouse.
The Work Order Manager creates a perpetual inventory system where materials inventory is consumed through a work order.
Inventory is added using the Purchase Order option in the Vendor Accounting Manager.
A detailed unit of measure system provides the ability to add and use inventory in different quantities.
The Work Order Manager provides the ability to record maintenance employee time.
Time is tracked from work orders and can be recorded by employee or by project.